A person goes into a Sihk Temple on Sunday during prayer time and opens fire on those gathered peacefully to celebrate God. People set fire and burn a mosque for the second time in a month. What is wrong with people and Americans today? Are people so afraid of anything that looks different from white people that the only response we can come up with is to kill and destroy? What is good and Godly in these types of acts? NOTHING! When did America forget that we have prided ourselves on being a land of welcome to all, giving people religious freedom and freedom from persecution? I don't understand, as hard as I try, why someone else going to their place of worship is such a threat to someone else's faith. If they invite you just say no thanks. If you have questions why not ask or go check out a book from the library. But to buy guns and ammunition and kill someone because they are of a different ethnicity and wear certain types of clothing and worship differently then you - I can't understand it. I can only offer up prayers for healing and peace to come over those who feel hurt, pain and grief. I offer prayers for those who committed these acts of hate that they may see the errors of their ways and turn away from them. I offer prayers for our country and the world that we may learn how to live with each other even when we may not understand the person next to us.
For new readers and those who don't know me, I'm fat. Medically labeled "morbidly obese." I have always been fat since I can remember. It's a multifaceted part of my reality: it's part my choice, part genetics. I am well aware that I need to work on this. I'm reminded every time I go to the doctor: need a flu shot - you're fat. Have an ear infection - you're fat. Cat bite - discharge instructions start with you're morbidly obese (I'm not kidding). You lost weight and still think something's off - loose more weight. I have been working on addressing my weight and have managed to loose and keep off just under 80 pounds. Do I still have a lot more weight to loose? Yup. I didn't become this size overnight and taking this off won't happen overnight either. A few weeks ago, a friend stopped by to visit me on their journey to vacation. As they were preparing to leave, I get stopped and asked to sit. I was told that they're concerne...
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