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Showing posts from August, 2012

Why I quit my job and what's next

I've been asked repeatedly so I'll answer here: what is going on with my employment? I turned in my two week's notice and my last day with my present employer will be Friday, September 7. This has been something that has been coming for a long time. I honestly did not want to go back to working with this company and I had for about a year previously. However, I needed to pay my bills and they would hire me so there I was. I loved working with my clients. They have nothing to do with me quiting and I will miss them greatly. My clients are awesome and I rejoice in the fact that I've gotten to see so many of them grow and change in so many ways. However they could not and should not be the sole reason for keeping me in my job and that's what's been happening. While I appreciate the fact that the company I was with has a mission and vision statement with 4 core values, when they are not lived out and not upheld I cannot stay there. When my reputation is trashed by o...

W&W Story: Elisha - A Mantle of Faith

Elisha: A Mantle of Faith [1] Using Children’s Worship and Wonder format open with: ·          Welcoming the children ·          Explaining the space ·          Singing “Father we Adore You” and “Be Still and Know” Story [2] Once there was, a man named Elijah. He was a very old prophet. When it was about his time to go up to heaven, his successor, Elisha, went with him on a journey. Both men knew that soon Elijah would be gone. They walked through Jericho and Jordan . Finally, they crossed over the river Jordan . Elijah asked if there was anything that, he could do for Elisha. He asked for twice as much spirit that Elijah had. Just than an angel of the Lord came on a chariot and took Elijah up to heaven. Elisha was so moved that he tore off his mantle, outer coat. Then he picked up Elijah’s mantle and put it on. When people saw Elisha with Elijah’s mantle,...

W&W Story: Deborah - The Palm Tree

Deborah: The Palm Tree [i] Using the Children’s Worship and Wonder format open with: ·          Welcoming the children ·          Explaining the space ·          Singing “Father, We Adore You” and “Be Still and Know” Story [ii] Once there was a woman named Deborah. She lived out in the desert. She was a very wise woman. She talked with and listened carefully to God. She spent most of her time sitting under a palm tree, in the desert, so she could listen and talk with God. People came to her for advice. They would tell her their problems. Deborah would go and talk and listen to God and then come back and tell people what God had said. She was a very special woman and many people asked her for advice, even kings. Wonder Questions ·          I wonder what it was like to live in the desert? ·     ...

W&W David & Jonathan

David and Jonathan: Friendship [i] Using Children’s Worship and Wonder format open with: ·          Welcoming the children ·          Explain the space ·          Sing “Father we Adore You” and “Be Still and Know” Story [ii] David and Jonathan were two very good friends. They were said to be of the same soul because they were such good friends. David sent Jonathan out to different places. Jonathan went and did what he was told. Both men followed the 10 best ways to live. David even gave Jonathan a special coat to wear so people would know that he was with God. The people knew that Jonathan was a special person who loved God. The people did what Jonathan asked. Wonder Questions: ·          I wonder what it’s like to have a good friend? ·          I wonder what it was like to ...

W&W Story: Balaam's Donkey & the Angel

Balaam’s Donkey and the Angel [i] Using Children’s Worship and Wonder format open with: ·          Welcoming the children ·          Explaining the space ·          Singing “Father we Adore You” and “Be Still and Know” Story [ii] Once there was a man named Balaam. Balaam worked for a bad king named Balak and God was angry with Balaam. One day, Balak sent men to bring Balaam to his palace to work for him. The next day Balaam got up, saddled his donkey and started on his trip to the palace. On the way there, God sent an angel of the Lord to talk to Balaam but Balaam did not see. Balaam’s donkey saw the angel of the Lord and turned off, into a field. Balaam got upset with the donkey and took it back to the road. A little further down the road the angel of the Lord appeared again. Balaam still did not see the angel, but the donkey did and the donkey again ...

Icebreakers/Trust Builders/Time Wasters

I Like People Who Have everyone grab a chair and form a circle. Stand in the middle to explain the game (you will also be the first “it”). Explain that the person in the middle will say the phrase “I like People Who ______ but I really like people who.” The person in the middle will fill in the blanks (example: I like people who have blonde hair but I really like people who have brown hair). After the person in the middle finishes the sentence everyone who has brown hair must get up and move across the circle to find a new chair. The person in the middle will also try to get a seat. The person left without a chair is the new “it”. Remind all of the players that we are suppose to be positive and say things that won’t single out people or embarrass others. Suggestions for will in the blanks: I like people who wear red but I really like people who are wearing blue . Have dogs                  ...

Loving Kindness Tour

The Loving Kindness Tour came to Des Moines last weekend and I went each day the exhibit was open. It is a traveling educational experience about buddha relics and an offering of the key principles of Buddhism - nay most major religions of the world - to show love and kindness to all. There was a video to explain the process of collecting relics and how the tour came to be. There's room to meditate and receive a blessing. You can see the relics and practice different techniques like writing in gold the words of the Buddha, singing bowls, prayer wheels, etc. I went the first night thinking that would be my one time visiting the tour. But the moment I came close to the building housing the exhibit, the energy called me and enveloped me. I was at home there. I was surrounded by a couple hundred people I didn't know but I was at home. I was connected to the relics of the historical first buddha and the buddha we all know and understand. I was connected to the relics and life force ...

Freedom and Ego

I finally did something that was probably one of the most life giving things that I could have done for myself in a long while - I turned in my two weeks notice on Wednesday for my current job. While I love my clients and will greatly miss them, I can't stay there any longer. Pieces of my heart and being have been chipped away at by a company that has great potential but can't seem to get it together. There is a huge sense of freedom in this decision but it is coupled with sadness. A lot of the sadness has to do with my ego and me. I'm asking myself the questions of what's going to happen to my clients without me there? Who's going to make sure they stay safe and well taken care of? The answer is that they were taken care of before I got there and they'll be taken care of after I leave. I have to learn to trust the system and that others will step up. I have to trust that my clients will communicate what they want or don't want certain things. This has more ...

What Do I Blame? What's the Cause?

The energy is off today. I don't know if it's because the weather is changing again and therefore I'm more aware of what my body is trying to tell me - mainly that this willing myself to do everything regardless of energy or feeling well is not going to cut it much longer. Maybe its because I finally took time over the weekend to do things that I enjoyed and experienced some new things and I'm not done integrating them into my whole being. Then again I'm still integrating things from my weekend trip 3 weeks ago. In all honesty it's probably all of it and more that I'm choosing not to admit too. I want to be or do or something other then what I am doing, being now. I'm not sure what it is. For as OCD and organized as I am, I'd like to think that I could look at the big picture and figure out how to break it down to get things done and to address each thing. But this stuff of life, of being is greater then my OCD and I'm not sure what to do. So I s...

When can a non-parent parent?

So question to all of you parents out there: When is it okay for a non-parent person, me, step in and do some parenting? Let me give you an example: This past Friday night my mother and I were stopping at a store/restaurant to grab some dinner. We were at the end of the line and there was a couple that had three boys I'd say age 7 and younger that were running around getting into everything. The oldest two boys decided to run and jump at a lady, causing her to fall. This woman clearly had a medical diagnosis that limited her mobility. The boys did not say anything to the woman and went to playing in the cold display case. After helping the lady up and making sure she was okay my mother and I  looked to see if the parents were handling the situation. They were not, they were choosing to ignore their children's actions, who by this point were playing with glass drink bottles. Needless to say my mother and I had had enough and asked the two oldest boys to leave the drin...

Tips for Interacting with Individuals with Disabilities

Tips for Interacting with Individuals with Disabilities Remember to see and talk to the person not the disability. -           People are not defined by their disability. Talk to/ interact with them like you would anyone else. -           If the person is age wise an adult talk to them as an adult. Please avoid “baby talk.” -           If a person is with a staff please talk to the person not the staff. Staff might help clarify but they are there to support and not do for. -           If you don’t understand just ask for the person to repeat themselves. -           Just say “hi.” A conversation starts there. Be natural. Keep it simple. -           Sometimes individuals know certain words but may not use them at...

Blessing of the Backpacks 2012

Here's the liturgy used at AUCC for the start of the 2012 school year. Today is the Sunday before school starts here in Ankeny. A new school year, a new starts. For some this is simply another day of things that one has to do. For others it is full of excitement and new beginnings. However, you feel about the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, it is a new beginning.                                           It is important that we, as a community of faith, come together to celebrate these new beginnings. Not only do we celebrate but we are called to bless them. We as a community of faith bless things and one another because we have been blessed. From the beginning of time our spirits resonate with the litany we hear in Genesis that we, along with all things created are “good” ...

Shiva sits in the corner of my room.

Someone sent me a message regarding the picture I posted on Facebook. (I added it here for your viewing enjoyment.) The email was basically asking me why, as a Christian and a pastor, would I 1) have something that was clearly from a "pagan religion" and 2) why would I make fun of someone's religion by buying a doll? So after I did my best to not go into a rage emailing attack here's my response to those questions. Regarding the pagan religion comment - I don't believe that Hinduism is a pagan religion. The pantheon of gods in Hinduism is a reflection of who individuals relate to their Higher Being/Creator/the Divine. I'd consider it the same as there are how many different names there are in Christianity for God but it's all about knowing God. I also am a Universalist. Just because I choose to align myself with Christianity that does not mean that I do not study and learn about other faith traditions. I can become a better person because of the writings...

Blessings, To Be Blessed

I've been thinking about what it means to bless and to be a blessing lately. I opened my mouth at a church meeting and of course that leads to doing something. So  I'm planning a blessing of the backpacks - a blessing for anyone who is in school (any level) or works in a school setting. I have to think about what it means to bless or be blessed in order to write a liturgy that stands on a rich tradition. I need to understand this concept so I can write something that is faithful to all those who will gather to be blessed and who are doing the blessing. So I did what I do what I want opinions I posted this question on Facebook. A church musician reminded me of the song "Count Your Blessings." Others said something that is given freely and that we don't earn. Another person reminded me of the words from Numbers. After taking it all in here's what I'm concluded for now: we are all blessed, even before we took form on this earth. We are all part of the circle ...


So I found that while I was away I felt this sense that I couldn't touch little children because my energy or self was so contaminated that I would put my "stuff" on to them. I didn't want that for them - so new, so perfect little people. I wanted them to continue living on in their own essence and maintain their "innocence" for as long as possible. I was afraid of going into a place because I didn't want to contaminate the people there. I just felt toxic, like I needed to be in isolation because I could spread what was in me, going through me. My energy was overflowing with my stuff, sensing and feeling other people's energy and it was overwhelming to me. So I've had to work at understanding what this energy was, what I was willing to take in and take on and what I could do to change things about myself. I had to look within myself and sort out what I was seeing and dealing with. I had to decide what energy needed to be dealt with first and fore...

20 hours of driving leads to

I'm still processing my trip to Kentucky and back. Many things just hit me and I had a lot of time to think while driving (20 hours give or take). I thought, I listened to music - sometimes singing, sometimes just letting the words into my soul, I sat in quiet, I cried, I laughed, I reflected on the creation that was around me. I commented on other people's driving skills or lack there of. I prayed and tried to search for that core of essence within myself. It was a very deep time for me and my soul. I am probably more tired because of the work and searching I was doing then from the driving. But what became clear to me more then anything else on those interstates through corn and soybean fields was that my spirit was, is, being crushed by where I am and what I do. Things and places can help for a time or a season and that's the hard part of figuring out when that time or season have come to an end. Wanting to hold on because of ego crap, to hold on because of fear. It is...

After a weekend of violence

A person goes into a Sihk Temple on Sunday during prayer time and opens fire on those gathered peacefully to celebrate God. People set fire and burn a mosque for the second time in a month. What is wrong with people and Americans today? Are people so afraid of anything that looks different from white people that the only response we can come up with is to kill and destroy? What is good and Godly in these types of acts? NOTHING! When did America forget that we have prided ourselves on being a land of welcome to all, giving people religious freedom and freedom from persecution? I don't understand, as hard as I try, why someone else going to their place of worship is such a threat to someone else's faith. If they invite you just say no thanks. If you have questions why not ask or go check out a book from the library. But to buy guns and ammunition and kill someone because they are of a different ethnicity and wear certain types of clothing and worship differently then you - I can...

"My Old Kentucky Home"

This weekend I returned to "my old Kentucky home" to officiate a friend's wedding. I've managed to see family and meet my two new 2nd cousins. I've seen other friends from various aspects of my life. I've been to the restaurants that scream Kentucky cooking like no others. I've stopped by my favoritee "head shop," and several other places that I'd considered my "happy places." But as I drove around Lexington, thinking I'd take pictures of the places I'd been I couldn't take the pictures. Seeing places I've lived, worked and studied at it hit me. I used to call Lexington home and would run to it. Lexington is no longer home. It is a place where I have friends and family. It is a place I can visit for a while but it's not home. It was home when I needed it to be home but I've changed and  outgrown Lexington. The energy is gone from  this city that once drew me here. It now repels me. It tells me that staying he...

Visits from Others Essence

So I'm just going to say it, as crazy or not as it may sound - I am being visited by those I met in my past. Yes I'm getting ready to go back to Kentucky for a short weekend trip and have been talking to people I haven't seen in a year, but that's not what I'm talking about. Let me give some background: I believe that each person has a spark/spirit/essence/brahma within them that comes from the Divine. It was created long before a physical shell is made and it goes back to the Divine when the shell has finished it's time in this place. This spark is free to move and act. As I attempted to meditate and get centered last night, I found that people, whom I meet while a chaplain at a hospital in Kentucky were there with me. Not to hurt me but to stand with me. Some smiling but others sitting there looking, watching me. The gaze in their eyes that seem to go straight to my core - they have something to do with me, maybe unfinished business. Maybe I'm their unfini...

Taking a break

So I took several days off from writing here or in my personal life. I originally thought that it was because I didn't have anything to write about - that maybe I'd gone numb. Maybe things, for personal reasons, had become tainted. But upon further reflection the first is not true at all and the second is a half truth -  true as it was an avoidance technique. Truth is there's a lot going on but words don't fit it all. It's hard to explain other then there's a need to just feel and acknowledge the things in the world that are not tangible. Energy/Energies are all about us and impact us. We can choose to accept it or attempt to ignore or fight it. I couldn't name it, I couldn't say exactly what it was at first. It was something I felt - in the gut, the core of my being. It's not just one thing or person - it's several things. I know that it's a signal of something - something to come maybe, something from the past maybe. I'm not sure what a...