The Beatitudes: Beatitude Kiosk[i]
Using Children’s Worship and Wonder format open with:
· Welcoming the children
· Explain the space
· Sing “Father we Adore You” and “Be Still and Know”
One time, Jesus was teaching. There were so many people that he went up on a mountain.
Jesus began to teach them, by saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
“Blessed are those who mourn.”
“Blessed are the meek.”
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst.”
“Blessed are the merciful.”
“Blessed are the pure in heart.”
“Blessed are the peacemakers.”
“Blessed are those who are persecuted.”
“Blessed are you when people revile and persecute you.”
These teachings are called the Beatitudes.
Wondering Questions
· I wonder what it was like to teach so many people?
· I wonder what people thought when Jesus told them that they were blessed?
· I wonder if people felt happier after listening to Jesus teach the Beatitudes?
Have the children find a chair around the table.
Explain to the children that they are going to make a display to put, in the church, to help people remember the Beatitudes.
Assign different children a different Beatitude to write on poster board and to decorate. (You may want to have a few already written for the younger children.)
Have the children clean up their supplies.
Gather the children back in the circle. Continue with Children’s Worship and Wonder format and light the Christ candle, read scripture, pray, and sing the goodbye song.
Using Children’s Worship and Wonder format open with:
· Welcoming the children
· Explain the space
· Sing “Father we Adore You” and “Be Still and Know”
One time, Jesus was teaching. There were so many people that he went up on a mountain. Jesus began to teach them, by saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
“Blessed are those who mourn.”
“Blessed are the meek.”
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst.”
“Blessed are the merciful.”
“Blessed are the pure in heart.”
“Blessed are the peacemakers.”
“Blessed are those who are persecuted.”
“Blessed are you when people revile and persecute you.”
These teachings are called the Beatitudes.
Wondering Questions
· I wonder what it was like to teach so many people?· I wonder what people thought when Jesus told them that they were blessed?
· I wonder if people felt happier after listening to Jesus teach the Beatitudes?
Have the children find a chair around the table.Explain to the children that they are going to make a display to put, in the church, to help people remember the Beatitudes.
Assign different children a different Beatitude to write on poster board and to decorate. (You may want to have a few already written for the younger children.)
Have the children clean up their supplies.
Gather the children back in the circle. Continue with Children’s Worship and Wonder format and light the Christ candle, read scripture, pray, and sing the goodbye song.
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