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Commencement Speach 2024

I am not speaking at anyone's commencement and/or baccalaureate. But in light of a certain American football kicker's commencement speech, I thought that I would offer my own. Enjoy!

Congratulations Class of 2024! You've made it. You have survived a global pandemic, an insurrection, the increase of technology and AI, serious conversations about personhood and the rights of each and every person, global weather phenomena's and so much more. I don't know about y'all but I'm tired. But you've made it. You're here. And if no one else tells you this, know that I am proud of you and I am cheering you on in whatever positive and good things you choose to do as you go forward. Remember to stay healthy and safe and that your actions can and do affect others so please don't only think of yourself. 

You will never stop being inundated with messages from others about what you should do and be, how you should do those things and how you should be as person. You will never not have someone or some entity trying to tell you that you need to be this or that. And while sometimes those people and those suggestions may be helpful, know and embrace your right and your power to call BS. 

You are created to be you and only you. You know yourself and body the best. Be bold; be brave to say no to the outside forces that will tell you to be this or that. Be bold, be brave to embrace your own truth about who you are now, who you are becoming and will be and your path to get there. 

Some may tell you that the world, American society, has sold you lies or a bill of goods that goes against this, that and/or the other. And maybe that's true. But maybe not. If you feel called to be a stay-at-home parent, do that with all your heart, soul and mind. If you are called to be the best partner/spouse and that is how you want to live your life, then bless you on that. Do that with all your being. But do it in your own way, not because you feel like to have to do it a certain way or because certain people expect you to do it. Do that because that is how you feel fulfilled in that part of your life marked vocation or calling. 

Note that I say "part" of your life. Let me interject that your vocation/call/job is only a part of your life. It is not your whole identity. You are to be you and you has many passions, skills, hobbies, and things you enjoy. Do not let one thing be the only thing you are. Let it be a part of you. Let it be a part that helps complete the beautiful work you are.

Okay back to where I was. If you are called to work outside of your home, whatever home looks like for you, that is great. I would argue that America is the place where you get to have the freedom to be whoever you want to be. You get the opportunity to break out of boxes or to stay in some if you need be. Trust me, there will be times when you will want to get in a box and maybe you should stay in a box. Trust your gut. But when you know, in your inner most being, that it's time to bust out, to leave, to set healthy boundaries and stick to them, do it. Do it! Do not feel bad about it. Own your worth as a human being because you are worthy. 

Know that it is okay to not have a 5 or 10- or 20-year plan. Have dreams and goals. Work towards them. If having a plan works for you, great. And I'm not saying don't think about retirement and those dream trips and how you'll get there. But what I am saying is don't hold on so tightly to those plans that you miss things. The last 4 years has shown us that we cannot know what tomorrow will look like. Plans were made and remade and made again and thrown out. It is okay to get rid of the plan and just focus on surviving. It is okay to write the most basic things on your to-do list/plan for the day just so you can cross them off. Brushed teeth - check. Checked the mail - check. It is okay and we need to normalize celebrating the little things too. Yes, celebrate the big things. If you've passed your MCAT - party. If you've landed your dream job - party. But sometimes, some days you need to give yourself and others grace and celebrate that you got out of bed. That you're breathing. Some days that is all any of us can do. Celebrate that you're doing your best and if that gets you through the day, I celebrate you. I am proud of you, and I am glad you did what you could, when you could. 

Class of 2024 go out into the world and change it. Make it better. Don't hurt yourself or others. Be flexible. But most importantly, be you. You are exactly who the world needs you to be and to become. And call BS when the times arise. I am so proud of you! So may it be.


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