Happy New Year's Eve! 2024 is almost gone as I type this. And it's been ... a year.
To whomever may be reading this know this: I'm glad you made it through 2024. You're you and you're here. That's enough. Whether you met your goal/goals or not, you survived. You're still breathing - even if it's hard to do sometimes. I'm proud of you. Keep going. Even if all you can manage is the next minute. Keep going.
Here is my updates and reflection on 2024.
The biggest thing for me has been my move and new ministry in Wisconsin. I said goodbye to two lovely rural Nebraska churches in February and started my new ministry in Wisconsin March 1. It was funny that I was actually attending a UCCB meeting in Ohio when I officially met my new conference minister in person on March 1. God has a sense of humor. This past 9 months has been learning about the systems of the church and the community and trying to find my place. I haven't been perfect in this, but I'm finding my way. Together my church and I are trying new things and we're dreaming dreams. I'm busy, which is both good and also tiring.
Personally, I've kept my resolution to not make any resolutions. I continue to slowly work on my weight. Ty Mutt is slowing down a bit, I see it more as the days have been shorter and colder. But he still enjoys his time chasing after little critters, watching over the post office across the street, and finding ways to nap in the sunlight whenever possible. Tank the Tahoe has gone to the car auction in the sky after serving me well but also showing their age and just not being financial realistic to maintain. With the help of my dad, I now have Trip the Chevy Trax. I still don't know what to do with all of the buttons, sensors and cameras but I'm sure I'll adjust. Still single. Still not sure I could stand living with a significant other for the rest of my life but also maybe that's a whole new adventure?
2024's election didn't go as I had hoped. I'm worried about the next 4 years. I attempted to read Project 2025 and couldn't stand it. But I hear the words being uttered about what will happen on day 1 and I'm fearful that many people will be hurt and American society will go backwards in so many ways. I don't know what to do other then to resist and protest and use what privilege I have to help those who have been labeled as "others." I hope you will join in this work, however you can. My offer still stands to officiate anyone's marriage before January 20, 2025 for free.
My word for 2024 was "prudence." I wanted to put it back in the basket and get another word but I didn't. But I think that maybe it was a good word for me whether it was in the forefront of my mind or not. I see myself being more prudent in some decisions and how I extend my energy and time. I have stepped away from some work and looked for other things that bring me more joy and help me feel like I'm doing something in the world. I feel like I've been working on not reacting but instead taking a moment and then responding or doing. At the same time, I've also leveraged my networks and resources to help others - my church made over 100 hygiene kits for Church World Services, purchased over 70 blankets for Church World Services, fed countless people through the Neighborhood Meals program and supporting The Family Center, FOCUS Food pantry, and the Hannah Center. Sent a bunch of folks to a church camp event with scholarships, provided space for rug hooking, quilting, wood carving and other creative adventures. I think we are looking at our resources and seeing how we can be God in the community, not just say we are God-like. I'm privileged to walk with folks as we do this.
So over all 2024 has been a good year, even though I have also spent a a few hours crying for many reasons.
Thanks for journeying with me and I hope we keep going in 2025.
Peace and Blessings - Kate
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