The Nebraska legislator started its 2023 session with over 600 bills submitted. 3 bills targeted the LGBTQIA+ community: LB371, LB574, and LB575.
I do not support any of these bills and it's a matter of faith for me. A group of Christians have decided to write the word "homosexuality" into the Bible. Jesus never speaks about the modern day concept of homosexuality. The other verses in the Bible that people claim speak about homosexuality total 6 verses, 3 in the Old Testament, 3 in the New Testament. The Bible, a book made up of 66 books, with thousands of verses only has 6 possible verses that speak to LGBTQIA+ community.
In short, some Christians today are trying to justify their bigotry and hatred by putting words/concepts into sacred texts that just aren't there. They are using old tactics of twisting scripture to fit their wants/needs/desires to hate the other - standing in direct opposition to the words of Jesus, recorded in scripture.
I'm not surprised that Nebraska is taking up these bills. They are following the leaders of other states, trying to project some Christian ideal utopia. The United States is not and has never been a Christian utopia. The hatred these lawmakers are trying to enshrine with these bills is almost the same hatred being spewed by others across the country.
These bills are mean, immoral and demonizing a minority group. They stand to create an "us versus them" mentality and is gatekeeping of a faith tradition that is beautifully expansive. They are demanding "a" version of Christianity be shoved on all people - Christians, non-Christians, people of no faith and so on. They are demanding compliance to their god and are unwilling to hear that God is speaking in a multitude of ways and that God could be saying something that goes against what they hold sacred.
Supporting these "don't say gay" and anti-trans bills diminish the worth of beloved, God created individuals. These bills dehumanize and lessen people. I will not support any bill that strips rights and compassion away from any person. It stands counter to God's expansive love. I will not have my faith weaponized to hurt another and to make a person less than. May God let it be so.
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