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Testimony for Nebraska LB 574

On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, The Health and Human Services Committee of the Nebraska Legislature convened to receive testimony regarding LB 574: "Let Them Grow Act." This bill, introduced by Senator Kauth, wants to ban all gender affirming care in the state of Nebraska for individuals 19 and younger. This legislation would go as far as to ban out of state referrals and could punish medical providers for even having the conversation with a patient and their family. 

I oppose this legislation because it is a direct attack on people who deserve full access to healthcare. Below is my testimony that I had hoped to deliver before the committee, but due to time limitations, I was not able to speak. 

I sat in the hallway, outside of the hearing room, for 3 hours, watching and listening as those in favor of the bill provided outdated and refuted medical information. They told lies about what gender affirming care is. They perpetuated hatred against the trans community by saying again and again that trans people are pedophiles and going against God. I watched as proponents had backpack signs that were cruel and wished harm and erasure of the trans community, walked in front of us. I turned my back on the proppants of this bill and several yelled at us lies and "stories" from Texas. All unprovoked. We had put our signs away and we committed to not engaging the proppants in any way. Yet, they spoke hatred and taunted us. 

I am thankful for the many people, clergy, medical professionals, parents, trans youth, and other allies, who sat for 3 hours and shared stories, chargers, snacks and bottles of water with each other. For those you used their bodies to block out the hate from the youth there to share their truths. For those who checked on each other, making sure they were okay and offered a person to vent to, a hug, a tissue, and more. 

God was present in the Nebraska state capital. I saw God in the opposition to LB574 who embodied love and compassion.

Two other anti-trans bills are in various Nebraska Legislature committees. I encourage Nebraskans to contact their state representatives and tell them that these bills have no place here in Nebraska, or anywhere.

Good Evening Committee members.

My name is Rev. Kate West. I pastor two United Church of Christ congregations in Antelope County, one in Neligh and one in Elgin. I have been a hospital chaplain and I am involved in several youth organizations.
I oppose LB574 because my faith compels me to speak. Micah 6:8 says "what does the Lord require to you but to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God."
My faith compels me to call this bill out because, if passed, it will be damaging and deadly. This bill is not just. It is not kind. It does not honor others walk in life.
I have walked and worked with many youth who have struggled to obtain or have been denied the care that they and their families determined was appropriate and necessary for them. I have literally seen the scars that this type of thinking and this bill will continue to inflict on those we are called to love. 
I have sat with families as they have said goodbye and buried a loved one who took their own life because legislation like LB574 has denied them to be the "fearfully and wonderfully made" beloveds of God as the Psalms describe.
I am tired of having to respond to hatred, bigotry and fear mongering that bills like LB574 perpetuate. I am tired of burying the beloved of God because of interference of government in their lives.
My Christian faith has been used as a weapon of hatred instead of an ethic of love and peace. My sacred scripture, the Bible, is used to inflect wounds that are both visible and invisible. 
Let me be clear - this bill is immoral. This bill is unjust.
Let people be who God created them to be. Let them get the medical care they need. Let people live their lives with dignity. God compels us as people of faith to do justice. Do the just thing, walk in kindness and do not pass LB574 on from this committee.


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