I've been asked numerous times why I don't like this song and why I don't feel it's appropriate to play so youth can do the dance. Well the answer is several folds. 1) Even if you play the "clean version" the youth know the words so really you're not doing much good because they'll still say the words. 2) I think that as the Church there has to be a line drawn at some point with using secular music. Most people would agree that at church events using the f-word and others would not be allowed. Why would we allow songs that are unjust to be used just because they don’t use the f-word? 3) This song is completely about disrespectful sex and sexual behavior. Women are called "ho’s” and sexual acts that can be violent and just disrespectful to women are encouraged. 4) Why should a church support any song that degrades the integrity of any person? Purchasing and playing this song is supportive an industry that has spent decades objectifying women and teaching girls that if you show enough skin and are willing to be treated poorly you can look like you have a lot of nice things. I don’t know about you but I don’t want that kind of image being passed on to any young person I see or know.
I know it's a "fun" dance and it's even been on Ellen and some marching bands are doing it, but not in my church. Do I want dances and parties that churches have to be fun? Yes I do. But when a song is so derogatory towards women and glorifies rough sex I have problems. Our youth clearly hear this song enough outside of the Church; why not offer them other options? Show them you can still have a good time and do other dances that are out there but that they need to really think about what they're listening to, singing and encouraging. I’m not saying you can only play Christian music at Christian dances. Honestly I probably wouldn’t have gone to that type of a dance as a youth. But there are plenty of other songs out there that are clean, offer good messages and that are part of the secular world. It just takes some planning.
I know it's a "fun" dance and it's even been on Ellen and some marching bands are doing it, but not in my church. Do I want dances and parties that churches have to be fun? Yes I do. But when a song is so derogatory towards women and glorifies rough sex I have problems. Our youth clearly hear this song enough outside of the Church; why not offer them other options? Show them you can still have a good time and do other dances that are out there but that they need to really think about what they're listening to, singing and encouraging. I’m not saying you can only play Christian music at Christian dances. Honestly I probably wouldn’t have gone to that type of a dance as a youth. But there are plenty of other songs out there that are clean, offer good messages and that are part of the secular world. It just takes some planning.
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