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Showing posts from 2009

Why I've Banned "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" from my church.

I've been asked numerous times why I don't like this song and why I don't feel it's appropriate to play so youth can do the dance. Well the answer is several folds. 1) Even if you play the "clean version" the youth know the words so really you're not doing much good because they'll still say the words. 2) I think that as the Church there has to be a line drawn at some point with using secular music. Most people would agree that at church events using the f-word and others would not be allowed. Why would we allow songs that are unjust to be used just because they don’t use the f-word? 3) This song is completely about disrespectful sex and sexual behavior. Women are called "ho’s” and sexual acts that can be violent and just disrespectful to women are encouraged. 4) Why should a church support any song that degrades the integrity of any person? Purchasing and playing this song is supportive an industry that has spent decades objectifying women and te...

The Power of Positive Affirmations

For those of you who know me, you might say 1) positive and Kate…odd and 2) what would she know about the power of them? Well I've evolved some. Positive affirmations are so important and I've ignored them for a long time. I've spent a lot of time being bitter and down in the dumps. I've let other's words affect my soul and thus impact my life. But now that I have my positive affirmations I find that I've pushed, or at least started too push, those things out of my life. I will not give those people that power in my life. So what brought about this change? Well I was attending my weekly spiritual transformation group (I highly recommend having one for yourself). The leader brought out all of these Post-It Notes. I thought we were just going to write prayer requests. But the leader led the group in an exercise where each person got a chance to sit in the affirmation chair. The rest of the group took the notes and pens and started writing positive things on them. ...

Randon Questions for a Minister

One day as I was driving I got stopped at a red light. A truck next to me was full of four guys. The guy closest to my window started waving at me and asked me to roll down my window. Now generally I don't do this but decided to humor the guy. The guy was in need of directions to a gentlemen's club. I leaned out my window to inform him that he had just asked a minister (female minister at that) for directions to a gentlemen's club. He immediately went red in the face and started to say that they weren't going to go watch. His friends had been there last night and had left his wallet (like that's really any better). I was nice and gave them directions to the other side of town and then said I'd pray for them. It's not like I hide the fact that I'm clergy, there's a big clergy sticker on the back window. When you're asking for directions to the gentlemen's club please consider who you're asking. What an interesting encounter with those i...

Welcome to my Blog

Hi and welcome to my blog! My name is Kate and I'm an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I'm recently ordained and am currently looking for the right placement. I've lived in Kentucky for 9 years and have recently returned to the Upper Midwest region. I'm single and love Diet Coke, chocolate and coffee shops. This blog will have posts that are connected to the issues of faith, religion and self. Some posts will be funny, others will be teaching moments on a variety of topics. From time to time I may post a sermon I write. If you have a topic you'd like for me to discuss please let me know. I love suggestions. This is a blog about being open and honest about who I am and how faith plays an important roll in my life. I'm excited to begin this new adventure and hope you will follow me as I travel this new opportunity that God has placed in my life. Peace and Blessings - Kate