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Showing posts from 2022

My Christian Perspective on the Overturn of Roe v. Wade

 On Friday, June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court ruled, in a 6/3 decision, to repeal Roe v. Wade - the 1973 ruling that federally protected a women's right to full reproductive healthcare, including abortion, on the basis of the right to privacy. I have been fairly quiet on the subject and a few folks have asked me about my thoughts.  First let me address why I took time to respond to this decision. It is not a surprise that I am a Pro Choice, female, ordained clergy person. I have been for over 21 years (yes, my thoughts and perspectives changed a while ago on the subject). I have written countless federal and state legislators, sat in elected people's offices waiting to speak with those elected to represent me, spoken before state legislator committees and hearings, signed petitions, financially supported groups that work hard to ensure a woman's choice to full reproductive healthcare. I have done a lot of work, shared from what feels like my core. Friday's decision, n...

Mrs. Pelosi - come have communion with me

 Dear Nancy Pelosi, I extended this invitation when Catholic Bishops said they would refuse President Biden communion and now I extend it to you. You can have communion with me. I would be happy to share God's love with you around a simple meal that Jesus started.  This invitation to the table, communion, actually doesn't come from me. It comes from God. God extends their grace and love to all. God adds chairs to God's table of love, grace and mercy. I, nor any other person, has the right and/or authority to deny you at God's table.  Thank you for standing up for what you believe regarding women's healthcare. What many American Christians have forgotten is that until roughly the 1950's and 60's many denominations/traditions were pro-choice because life begins at first breath - a very biblical notion. You are fighting for those who are considered the least of these as Jesus tells us to do. So when we meet, I look forward to sharing in a scared act with you th...

God Loves You. Period!

I often leave the TV on for my dog when I leave the house. Yesterday, a TV preacher came up on the screen. I usually don't pay that much attention as I'm leaving but his words (of course it's an old, white man, telling us what the Bible says) struct me and made me sad that this was the teaching being shared with a large audience.  The preacher kept saying that "God loves you but 'he' loves the faithful more." "God loves you but 'he' loves those fighting for God more." He had a whole litany of these sayings. A few also had the word "but" in them. "God love you but only if..." It was clear that there was a mandate of being their version of Christian. The list made it clear that it was either this or that - an all or nothing to being loved by God.  I cringe at this because if this were the truth about God and God's love - I don't think anyone would be loved by God. Of course, the preacher had all kinds of proof te...

Things You Can't Make Up in Ministry - Pour One for Me

 Another funeral story- I was asked to officiate a funeral for a person who didn't have a church. When the funeral director called to ask me to officiate, I was told that the family had been interesting to work with. The deceased had been taken to a different funeral home and then the living members had some issues with that funeral home. So the funeral director who called me had to go and claim the body off the other funeral homes table. This is not something that funeral directors want to do. Then I was told that the family is having issues with each other and was being fairly demanding. Not unusual.  When I met with the family, at the funeral home, I was told that they didn't really need "all that religious stuff," that a family member had written a song and someone else was reading a poem. Immediately after the service I was told that my services would no longer be needed, and I could leave and not stick around while the casket was prepared to be lowered into the ...