For those of you who know me, you might say 1) positive and Kate…odd and 2) what would she know about the power of them? Well I've evolved some. Positive affirmations are so important and I've ignored them for a long time. I've spent a lot of time being bitter and down in the dumps. I've let other's words affect my soul and thus impact my life. But now that I have my positive affirmations I find that I've pushed, or at least started too push, those things out of my life. I will not give those people that power in my life. So what brought about this change? Well I was attending my weekly spiritual transformation group (I highly recommend having one for yourself). The leader brought out all of these Post-It Notes. I thought we were just going to write prayer requests. But the leader led the group in an exercise where each person got a chance to sit in the affirmation chair. The rest of the group took the notes and pens and started writing positive things on them. ...
I'm an ordained minister in the DOC and UCC. These are my stories and reflections as I attempt to live my calling as a minister. Some days, ministry is awe inspiring and great. Other days, I wonder what answering this call has gotten me into. I offer this not to say this is "the way." Journey with me, whether you agree or not, because we can learn from each other.