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W&W Story: Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples

Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples: Gone Fishing[i]
Using Children’s Worship and Wonder format open with:
·         Welcoming the children
·         Explain the space
·         Sing “Father we Adore You” and “Be Still and Know”


Seven of Jesus’ disciples were gathered by the sea. They decided to go fishing, so that night they went out in their boat and cast their nets. All night the seven cast their nets yet the caught nothing.

In the morning, a man was standing on the shoreline. He called to the Disciples, “Do you have any food?” “No,” the seven replied. The man replied “Cast your nets on the other side of your boat.” The seven did so and the net was filled with fish. So many fish filled the net, that they could not bring the net back onto the boat. Then the seven realized who the man was. It was Jesus. Simon Peter jumped into the water and swam to the shore. The other disciples brought the ship in.

When the seven reached the shore, they found hot coals and they ate a meal with Jesus. This was the third appearance Jesus made to his Disciples.

Wonder Questions:
·         I wonder what it would have been like to spend all night net fishing?
·         I wonder what how the seven disciples felt after not collecting anything?
·         I wonder what the Disciples thought when they were told to put their nets back out?
·         I wonder what the Disciples felt when they pulled in all those fish?
·         I wonder what it was like to recognize Jesus?
·         I wonder what it was like to eat with Jesus again?


Have the children find a chair around the table.
Explain to them that they are going to go fishing.
The children will be invited to take turns fishing and seeing what they catch. The Bible story will be written on the different fish. Have the children put the fish in order.
Have the children clean up their supplies.
Gather the children back in the circle. Continue with Children’s Worship and Wonder format and light the Christ candle, read scripture, pray, and sing the goodbye song.

Scripture Reading: John 21:1-14

[i] From Bible Story Activities; volume 1 edited by Terry P. Rothermich, Christian Board of Publication St. Louis, Missouri, 1998.
[ii] Story and Wonder Questions by Kate West, 2005.


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