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Hot Topic: Boy Scouts

It was thought that the Boy Scouts of America were to vote this past week on the issue of lifting their ban on gay scouts and volunteers. According the Boy Scout officials the decision was pushed to later in the year when they will be meeting at their national convention in Texas to allow all sides more time to, in essence make their case.

One side argues that there have always been gay scouts and volunteers within the organization they just haven't professed who they are. They also state that the organization should be open to all to better reflect American society today. Then there's the other side that allowing gays in the Scouts will further erode "American values" and allow pedophiles access to young boys and men.

Let me start off by saying that there is no fast answer to this situation and I respect the fact that the Boy Scouts of America are taking their time to make a decision instead of just rushing into something. It's that basic concept of think before you speak. More people and organizations needs to use this basic concept more often.

I also want to say that being homosexual does not equal being a pedophile. There are plenty of straight pedophiles out there. It is unfair for people to label groups based out of fear and ignorance because you disagree with some one's lifestyle. Also I would like to understand what are "American values" and who gets to decide what they are? Last time I checked my values were different from other Americans so who gets to decide what are the universal values and who would really want to live by them other then the person who gets to write them?

It is my understanding that Scouting in America is teach boys to develop themselves through various activities and opportunities in theory becoming better men/people. How is society going to become better when one group is intentionally excluded? How are we to hope that people develop themselves and learn more about who they are when they are told that a part of themselves is somehow "wrong" or makes them less worthy then another? I believe that you can still teach the core values of being peaceful, loving and understanding individuals without having to know if a leader is gay or a boy that's sitting in the group is trying to understand who they are. Life is hard enough to get through for most of us...why make it any harder hen it has to be?


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